The Art of Yoga and Wellbeing

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The Art of Yoga and Wellbeing

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The Art of Yoga and Wellbeing

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The Art of Yoga and Wellbeing

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disinfectant spray, yogacat disinfectant, chandana spirit, cleaning spray, natural disinfectant, aromatherapy spray, eco-friendly disinfectant, yoga cleaning supplies
Disinfectant Spray 500ml – Chandana Spirit
Protect your yoga practice and extend the life of your mat with the Yoga Cat Disinfecting Spray. Did you know that your yoga mat is a breeding ground for germs, bacteria, fungi, and viruses that can lead to infections and skin irritations? Regularly disinfecting your mat is an essential routine for every yoga practitioner to maintain a good hygiene.Our high-quality, mat-friendly solution effectively eliminates all kind of pathogens without harsh chemicals or damaging the mat's surface. Unlike other disinfectant sprays on the market that contain alcohol or other ingredients that can damage your mat, our non-toxic formula is gentle and suitable for all types of yoga and sports mats.Crafted in Germany alongside scientific experts and tested in the field and the lab, our disinfectant spray ensures the best cleansing experience possible. Plus, our aromatherapeutic scents will keep your body and mind centered during your yoga practice.With every application, your mat is thoroughly disinfected, preventing the spread of germs and bad odors. Invest in the Yoga Cat Disinfecting Spray for a long-lasting, high-quality yoga experience.
Herbal Cooling Balm -
Herbal Cooling Balm
Unser kühlendes Sport-Balsam entspannt und beruhigt die Muskeln - egal wie intensiv die Yoga- oder Fitness-Session war. Einfach einmassieren oder gebe ihn in ein Bad - und genieße das kühlende und erfrischende Gefühl, das eine handverlesene Mischung aus 39 Kräutern erzeugt. Diese Rezeptur ist geeignet, um Verspannungen, Muskelkater und Schmerzen jeglicher Art zu erleichtern.
-10% Sale
disinfectant spray, yogacat disinfectant, chandana spirit, cleaning spray, natural disinfectant, aromatherapy spray, eco-friendly disinfectant, yoga cleaning supplies, disinfectant spray, chandana spirit, yoga cat, cleaning spray, antibacterial spray, yoga studio supplies, aromatherapy spray, environmentally friendly, non-toxic disinfectant
Cleaning Bundle – Chandana Spirit
€45,00 €50,00
The Yoga Cat Mat Cleaning Bundle is the perfect solution for deep cleaning and disinfecting your yoga and sports mat. Our deep cleaner is specially formulated to remove buildup and dirt that may have accumulated over time, even deep inside the mat. It is mat-friendly, non-toxic, and sustainably produced in Germany. Unlike other cleaning methods, our deep cleaner provides a thorough clean without damaging the surface and texture of your mat, which helps to maintain its grip and extend its life.Our disinfectant spray is also mat-friendly and has been clinically tested to eliminate germs and viruses without the use of alcohol or harsh chemicals that can damage the mat over time. It is easy to use, has a pleasant scent, and can be used on all types of mats, making it an ideal solution for disinfecting all your exercise equipment.With the Yoga Cat Mat Cleaning Bundle, you can rest assured that your mat is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, ensuring good hygiene and a longer lifespan for your mat. It is the best solution on the market for deep cleaning and disinfecting your yoga and sports mat, and is perfect for anyone who values sustainability, quality, and effectiveness in their yoga practice.
36 Herbs Massage Oil -
36 Herbs Massage Oil
Genieße unser Massageöl und versinke in der wärmenden Symbiose aus süßem Mandelöl, beruhigender Calendula und feuchtigkeitsspendendem Jojobaöl zusammen mit einer alten Rezeptur aus 36 handverlesenen Kräutern. Das Massageöl regeneriert, hilft bei der Entspannung und schenkt dir ein unvergessliches Verwöhnerlebnis.
Unsere Werte

Designed for mindful people

Made in Germany

Für uns ist eine lokale Produktion ein Grundbaustein von Yoga Cat. Fast die gesamte Produktion findet bei uns in Göttingen statt. Für alles andere arbeiten wir mit ausgewählten Partner in Deutschland und Europa zusammen.


Uns ist es ein grundlegendes Anliegen, dass unsere Produkte ohne Tierversuche entstehen. Wir glauben fest daran, dass Wellness ohne Tierversuche möglich ist, und unsere Produkte verkörpern diese ethische Überzeugung.


Nachhaltigkeit ist eine Kernaufgab für Yoga Cat. Wir achten vom Produkt über die Verpackung bis hin zum Versand, dass wir möglichst Nachhaltig agieren und probieren uns jeden Tag auf neue uns weiter zu verbessern.

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Funktionale Kosmetik Yoga Matten Reiniger Seifen
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